The basic idea behind this web page is as a representation of the the things I can do for a client with regards to web page design and functionality. The whole site is fairly simple overall but this is to minimize download times as much as anything else. When I design pages for clients I can make them as simple or as complex as necessary. The specific sections deal with topics that interest me and drive my business. Services that I provide besides web page design and the basic entertainment coverage you see on this site are multitrack sound recording (I currently use an M-Audio 1814 Firewire sound recording system which is portable), high quality audio transfers of audio or video tapes along with audio and video editing, image scanning and storage to CD-R/DVD+R, small network setup, and computer and software installation.

I am also a expert in both Microsoft Access and Excel and have done major financial, customer service, inventory tracking models and databases for companies like Dade Behring, Electroglas, Nellcor and Select Computer.

Another service I provide is basic home theater setup. I am not talking about coming in and completely redesigning and sound proofing your home. Just the basic setup of any home theater components you may purchase(DVD Player, VCR, receiver, TV, etc.) I will make sure everything is properly connected and that all sound and video levels are properly adjusted. (Using a sound meter and video calibration equipment) I will also be happy to take home any manuals that you receive with those components and create a simple cheat sheet for your future use. These can be especially useful for helping with simple issues like how to record a TV program on your VCR when then complexity of you system has just increased ten fold. It usually is not as simple as it was when it was just a TV and a VCR. 

Movies, music, games, software and the hardware it takes to run them are all major personal and professional interests 

My ratings will cover the following four areas: film rating, video rating, sound rating, and supplemental's rating. I will rate all sections on a four star system. 

As I purchase new games I will write small reviews giving my thoughts on the overall quality of the game.

My intention with this section is to occasionally review a new CD and have mp3 files available for a couple of tracks on the album. The mp3 files will be high quality so you will get real feel for the album.

In this section I will cover everything from receivers, DVD players and televisions to computer hardware, shareware programs and various other retail software. 


These are mp3 files of songs by my two "bands" Interference and Unbreakable. They include both demo and completed songs.


This section is a database of softball statistics for the softball team I play on called the Masterbatters.


This section will cover outside links related to all the above areas.


DVD Database
I try to promote DVD's every possible chance I get. To further this promotion, if you are a client of mine, I work with you or know you and you would like to borrow a DVD from my collection feel free to use this section to search through my personal database and e-mail me your request. I will try to respond within a couple days. Occasionally there will be new DVD's that are in the database that I have not watched. For these discs, I will put you on a waiting list and as soon as I am done with it, I will bring it in.

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Music Demos: Interference - Unbreakable | DVD Database | Contacts Us | About