Still one of the greatest games ever made. Sucks you right in from the start. AI is very good (I loved when the army guys start chucking grenades to get you out of a hiding spot). One great surprise after another. If you play a lot of games and have never tackled this title you are missing one of the industry's shining achievements.
Latest Patch - Ver

Still the most popular game (a Half-Life mod at that) on the planet. I have spent quite a few hours playing this game, but it never really got me fully involved. The gameplay and mapping is outstanding, I just have a problem with the floating like movement of the Quake II engine and the fact that in a tactical game I cannot lean around corners. Still a must download. Tons and tons of 3rd party maps available.
Latest Patch - Ver 1.6

Unreal Tournament
Personally this is my favorite game of all time. I have spent more hours online playing this title than any other game out there. After playing the Morpheus level on the demo I was hooked. Weapons are nicely balanced with a few exceptions and the alternate fire on each, gives the player a lot of variations. Most of the maps are extremely well designed, although a few seem more there to show off the visual aspects of the Unreal Engine than great gameplay. Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Domination and Assault are the four styles of gameplay and each offers unique challenges.
Tons of 3rd party maps are available, which has extended the life of this game 10 fold.
Latest Patch - Ver 4.36

Unreal Tournament 2003
Not as groundbreaking and as exciting as the original but still a solid mulitplayer FPS shooter.

Latest Patch - Ver 2225 -

Quake III: Arena
One of the most highly anticipated games and for the most part lives up to its hype. Id just can't seem to do any wrong when it comes to their game engines (John Carmack is a god). Level design is great on some levels, average on others. Weapons are solid, but the lack of alternate fire modes is a little disappointing. Most people I think will find themselves looking for the Rocket Launcher as it is able to create the most splash damage. Lots of 3rd party maps available. I love this game, but Unreal Tournament is still better.
Latest Patch - Ver 1.32

Q3A: Team Arena
An Id developed expansion pack that includes some nice additions to the original Q3A game. Among the additions are a few new weapons and a couple of new styles of gameplay and a bunch of new characters. My suggestion is to stay as far away form the Overload style of game play as possible. A complete waste of time. At a $30 list price it is a little expensive though. Epic gave us UT update after update for free so the price tag seems a little steep.
Latest Patch - Ver 1.32

Not one of the best First Person Shooters (FPS) you will ever play but it is a unique gaming experience. One of the first game to truly up the violence quotient and the characters swear. Cypress Hill soundtrack adds nicely to the ambiance. Level design is solid and the modified Quake II engine looks as good as it can.
Latest Patch - Ver 1.21

Deus Ex
Role Playing FPS take a lot of patience to play. If you want to survive, the run and gun style just ain't going to do it. Once you get the mind set right, this is one of the greatest games ever made. Solid story with many surprises and developments. Most levels are designed with multiple routes which allow a variety of styles of gameplay to achieve your goals. My suggestion is that you use the save button often, especially when you are on levels that require a lot of stealth. I am looking forward to Deus Ex 2.
Latest Patch - Ver MP1112


Soldier of Fortune
Kingpin pushed the violence envelope and this title obliterated it to pieces. Worth playing just to see how crazy a game can be. Level design is fairly good, but AI was a little weak at times. Not the greatest game of all time but trust me, you will have a lot of fun playing it.
Latest Patch - Ver 1.07f

Soldier of Fortune II
More of the same for version two. Solid level design, average AI and a decent story. Again what makes this game a showstopper is the gore. The guys at Raven really know how to tweak old game engines and get the absolute most out of them. Nothing new for a FPS, but as with the first game you will have a lot of fun playing it. The multiplayer for this game is a lot of fun. Basically Counterstrike with better graphics and most importantly the ability to lean.
Latest Patch - Gold Path

Max Payne
I am not a big third person game fan, but Max Payne has so much WOW factor built into it that it is a must play. Flipping into bullet time, diving and seeing buck shot fly past you in slow mo is one of the truly great game moments I have ever had. Level design is OK, but a bit to linear at times. The story is fairly innovative for a game, but it is really a retread of a million movies. (It still drew me in.) The biggest drawback is the shortness of the game. You realistically could sit down and finish it in one day with no problem at all. Find the Matrix mod for some added weapons and features.
Latest Patch - Ver 1.05

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Max Payne 2 hit on just about all of my expectations. The story is better this time around and a little less chessy which is a big plus and the graphic levels have been increased nicely. In the end it is just a great run around an kill some bad guys in slo-mo that makes it worth your gaming dollars.
Latest Patch - Ver 1.01

Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Some of my earliest game memories were playing Castle Wolfenstein on the Apple IIc back in junior high, so I was really looking to the release of this game. I wasn't disappointed. There is nothing new here but every part of the FPS experience is fully realized. Good weapons, solid level design, solid AI and an interesting storyline and that is just the single player side.
Latest Patch - Ver 1.41

Medal of Honor
I have had some arguments recently with a friend of mine as to which was the better gaming experience RTCW or Medal of Honor. In my opinion it is MOH all the way. I loved the look, the style and most of the missions were outstanding. It does not get a whole lot more exciting than storming the beach at Normandy.
Latest Patch - Ver 1.11

Star Trek: Elite Force
This was a bargain bin picked at Costco for $10 and dollar for dollar it was definitely one of my best gaming buys ever. The game isn't very long but it solid FPS from start to finish.
Latest Patch - Ver 1.2

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